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Fundraiser - Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary (2019)

In December 2019 Alexandra held a Rhino Christmas Drive and Raffle Fundraiser for Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary, raising funds to purchase wishlist items for the hardworking teams at Care for Wild.

Thank you to everyone who donated and supported Alexandra's Rhino Christmas Drive and the Raffle. We could not have done it without each and every one of you 🤗🦏❤️!

Book Reading - Greenpop Reforest Festival (2023)

In April 2023 Alexandra made the long journey from Johannesburg to the Bodhi Khaya Nature Reserve in the Western Cape to attend Greenpop's Reforest Festival over the Easter Weekend.

This was a weekend where like-minded individuals gathered to plant 5001 trees and celebrate nature. Additionally, Alexandra shared her story, Tahlia and the Tree, with the next generation.

Thank you to everyone who attended Alexandra's book reading.


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